. >> listen, if you look at who he's talking to for sec chair it is paul atkinses. now from what we keep hearing down in mar-a-lago and talking to trump and he's a long time securities lawyer and commissioner and he understands the disclosure mandates and you can't let u.s. federal court ruling stand that says retail holders. it was a stupid ruling and the judge in the case said obviously there's nothing about securities law. you can't allow that sort of dual disclosure mandate when there's basically saying that retail deserve less information than institutions. so i just wonder if, you know, here's one way to work this thing out and i think -- i bet you ripple comes and does a sell. this is my belief. ripple will do a settlement with sec and says here's our disclosure and how we make money. by the way, here's something interesting and ripple has something like an 8-$10 million market cap right now. with no disclosure. liz: buyer beware. that's going for everything, always. charlie, thank you very much. charlie gasparino. closing bell about three minutes and 20 seco