paul b. pharaoh forget mubarak it's fed reign of terror that must then and this is your take with a very pretty picture on paul b. ferals headline fed dictator ben nanking needs to be toppled. so he says that the fed boss ben bernanke he is the most dangerous human on earth far more dangerous than hosley mubarak egypt's thirty year dictator ever was bernanke he rules a monetary dictatorship that will trigger the coming third meltdown of the twenty first century right you know a year ago or so paul be feral over there at market watch dow jones might have been accused of sedition but because the global insurrection against banker occupation is gathering storm gathering force all over the world the forces that are in power now can't stop it the momentum is too high so we're seeing in egypt are saying to me as if we're seeing riots all over the world in america it's coming it's coming soon and it's time for a regime change and he's right to target the federal reserve bank because obama let's face it obama is just a sideshow the real power is ben bernanke in the federal reserve bank that's where the regime change needs to ta