barbara paul vincent barbaro james william barbella victor daniel barbosa christine barbuto colleen ann barkow david michael barkway matthew barnes melissa rose barns sheila patricia barnes evan j. baron vincent barry scott d. bart carlton w. bartels guy barzvi inna b. basina alysia basmajian kenneth william basnicki steven joseph bates paul james battaglia w. david bauer ivan bautista marlyn capito bautista mark lawrence bavis jasper baxter lorraine g.b ey. michele beale paul frederick beatini jane s. beatty allen anthony steven lawrence ira beck manette marie beckles carl john bedigan michael earnest beekman and my husband, ian schneider. there isn't a day that goes by that we don't think about you, talk about you, or laugh about you. you always had the us laughing. rachel, jake, and sophie have grown to be amazing young adults. i know how proud you would be. we love you, miss you, and you will forever be in our hearts as well as the thousands of other hearts that you have touched. yo, dude. >> and my father who i know is always with me, glen wall. [ applause ] maria a. behr mx max j. bilke yelena belilovsky nina patrice bell debbie s. bellows stephen elliot belson paul m. benedetti