this is paul bellamy in 1936. you can see he's driving finishing dr -- fdr, and they are on their way to a dedication of one of the carvings on mount rushmore. bellamy was the owner of a transportation company, so it often fell to him to drive the celebrities that came to mount rushmore or other sites in the region. but he also organized tours for other visitors. he was a big local booster of tourism and, um, locally-beneficial projects. he was involved in the planning for mount rushmore, for the highways that snake through those hills if you've ever visited there, for the badlands national park. he was not the major player on those projects, but he was always in them, right? and always promoting the cause of the black hills. so paul bellamy became so compelling to me that he became the opening of the book for the capital of the world. and i want to read you just a little bit so that you get a feeling for paul bellamy and his story and the reason why the black hills of south dakota were a contender, at least so far