it belonged to paul bullard. we found some other buyers willing to pay more. we thoughte'd show jeremy's uncle paul that we, you know, had some savvy. and these other buyers were cops. it was entrapment, man. it was you being an idiot. where's paul bullard now i swear, i don't know. i'm not high enough up on the chain to know where they are. know what? i'm not buying it. all this so bullard can kick his nephew's ass before he sends him away? beam doesn't mess around. jeremy. jeremy, stay awake! so we know mac's taking jemy to see paul bullard. and we can assume the daughter's being held someplace secure. winnie, contact guns and gangs of any properties known to belong to the bedlam crew. copy that. and, boss, i have something else might be relevant. go ahead. there's an i.a. file building against sergeant maccoy. internal affairs? what do they want with mac? they said it involves unusual bank activity. i.a. uncovered regular payments from an investment company suspected of having ties to the bedlam gang. thanks, winnie. so that's why he didn't call when leslie