don't mean interrupt but brick carter just unfriended her friend june from tampa because she posted ten pictures of her cat dressed up as snooki. >> jimmy: well, thank you, paule unfriended. will you be my friend? >> i just unfriended you at the beginning of the show. >> just for saying that? i w >> i was getting into the spirit. >> i tried unfollowing people on twitter, i got hate mail. >> jimmy: this is not about twitter. this is about facebook. that's serious stuff. >> that's worse. >> jimmy: you think it is? >> they have access to your personal stuff on facebook. twitter, they don't have access to anything. now people know what my cat looks like and they can stalk me. they know where my house is. >> jimmy: you put pictures of your cat there, right? i mean, isn't that true? >> it's a cute cat. >> jimmy: well, this movie, of course, you are a doctor in the movie but you do not deliver the terrifying half vampire baby. >> no. well, like most doctors, you know, they say they're going to be there for the birth and when the birth comes, they are on the ninth hole playing golf and there's, you know, somebody else is there. >> jimmy: i guess you've shot all the m