we may not know, the people listening, who this guy is, paul craigle. he knew fish & wildlife culture. he's a hero. as i said, he's got a whole monument down there in florida. the singer arlow guthrie moved to where he was. >> so you called mark madison. >> come here or to any of the places. i've been to yellow stone, yosemite, other ones, too. you come here and try to look at documents, books and things i pretty much had. but they can find this kind of material. and also, to check with them, even today before we were talking, i was asking them, they have the up to date numbers here on species i'm writing about. for example, it's a louisiana -- behind us, a louisiana black bear, or a louisiana bear. it's a subspecies of black bear. and it's almost extinct. there are only 200-some left in the region of louisiana, mississippi, arkansas. there are only 250 approximately left in the united states. >> and that are alive. >> alive. that's it. we're about to lose the louisiana black bear. only 250 alive. but here at u.s. fish & wildlife, they're going down to