. >> we are at the cumberld county plic libra in fayetteville, north carolina, speaking with paul cuadros, author of a home on the field. mr. cuadros, what made you decide to write this book? >> i decided to write this book because i noticed that what was happening in rural communities in the south and in the midwest was a demographic change, a migration of latino immigrants to these small towns that i knew was going to transform both the culture and those communities. i thought that was a very, very interesting story and one that would influence and change our country in many different ways, and that's the kind of story that i was vy, very interested in doing and capturing. >> and why did you use the city and when yoq traveled there, what did you find? >> at the time it had two poultry processing plants, a feed mill, about 300 chicken farmers in chat ham county, and so for me it was an easy choice because the food processing industry is a big generator for y people are migrating from mexico or central america into these small town communities. >> and when you were there, you write about