paul nimbley john b. niven katherine marie noack curtis terrence noel michael nolan. daniel r.olan robert walter noonan jacqueline june norton robert grant norton daniela r. notaro brian christopher novotny soichi numata brian felix nunez jose nunez jeffrey roger nussbaum james a. oakley dennis patrick o'berg michael p. o'brien scott j. o'brien timothy michael o'brien daniel o'callaghan diana o'connor keith kevin o'connor richard j. o'connor dennis james o'connor jr. amy o'doherty marni pont o'doherty douglas e. oelschlager takashi ogawa albert ogletree >> and my goth godfather and uncle, richard samuel gabriel, and your spirit lives on in all the good that occurs in this world and you will never be forgotten and thank you to all the first sporesponders includi those that died trying to save his life on the floor of the 78th floor of the south tower. >>> for my cousin, christopher charles am rosso. chris, there's not a day that goes by that we don't miss you and think about you, and you are in our hearts forever and keep looking over us and god bless you and god bless everyone.