environmentalists like paul de lay disagree with his nonprofit organization riverkeeper fought long and hard for the plant's closure which was announced by the state's governor in 2017 by 2025 we will have 3 times as much clean energy and energy efficiency combined as indian point used to generate. increasingly though 2 questions are being raised about how the state will replace its output and claims the loss of the plant will be offset by renewable energy sources given 2 new natural gas burning facilities are being built in the state. a new generation of environmentalists is challenging the assumption that nuclear power is too dangerous and they're making their views known all over new year. work pointing out that nuclear power is carbon free at a time when climate scientists say we need to dramatically cut carbon emissions. activists say it's a national concern we have 3 more plants in upstate new york and we have many plants all over the country that are in danger of being shut down this area is not contaminated where knickerbocker can vouch for the benefits of living in a nuclear ne