paul donovan uv us as discuss the role that corporate profiteering plays in inflation while inflation has risen from 9%, as you know, prices continue climb because of supply shortages in corporate profiteering what we are starting to see greek felicia, given that rising interest rates certainly won't solve reinflation, why maintain interest rates at the current level or even consider, as you suggested, raising them, given the risk of harming the livelihoods of more than 1 million a half workers and their families? >> mister chairman, the committee broadly feels that mall monetary policy has gotten to appropriately restrictive level, if the economy performs about as it is expected, then it will be appropriate to raise hikes again this year, and perhaps twice. the strong majority of the committee feels it will be appropriate again, assuming that the economy performs is expected to times before the end of this year. it would come very far, and the reason why we maintained our rate at the last meeting is to give ourselves more time to stretch out the time for making these decisions. we mo