not just paul durbin who basically sat on election night that the market was plummeting and it would recover from the depths that it would reach. there's a lot of people out there that have been waiting for an opportunity and this is now it. >> there's been a little bit of a zero-sum game where people were anti- trump, they are taking money out of the market. i don't know if it's a wash of retail investors. it's a little concerning that it's a little too good. were in this really strong economy. the strongest we've had in many years and now are doing tax cuts. that's a little strange. is it going to cause inflation? is the federal reserve going to cause rates to go up? it wouldn't take a lot of interest rate increased with the amount of debt for for it to cost more than the benefit. i'm a little bit worried that the good times might create bad times. i'm more worried about the unknown bubble that everyone is piling money in or rates or something that we don't expect that doesn't look like a bubble. that's dangerous in itself. >> we've got lots more to talk about. caputo on business i