that is how markets work. >> he's paul ehrlich with a smirk i guess. saying the same thing they predicted 40 years ago, it's been disproven. we're not running out, we have abundance and fantastic for america, fantastic for human health and welfare. john: occasionally hollywood grasps how innovation can solve shortages. in one current movie that's gotten good reviews. matt damon is an astronaut who gets stuck on mars. >> it would take four years for another mand mission to reach me, and i'm going to have to last 31 days. in the face of overwhelming odds, i'm left with one option, i'm going to have to science the hell out of this. >> science the hell out of things is what we do. what our brains are made for. we tend to fear, worry about the future. we plan ahead. when we're talking about energy issues and food issues, water issues, we've done quite a bit. tremendous what we've been able to do. the resources we've been able to take advantage of and we're not running out. we can science the hell out of that problem and many others. >> thank you, james tayl