. >> yeah, well, i mean, look, paul erhlick, nobody has been wrong on any other issue than paul erhlickclaim he made on "60 minutes" it would take five efforts to sustain a population a decade ago. chief scientist of the nature conservancy, myself a bunch of other scientists bebunked it in one of the leading biology journals. i went through all of paul erhlick's videos and speeches today. i was shocked the number of times over the last 50 years he claimed that human kind was headed for extinction. he said that there would not be 7 billion human beings on earth because of famine. of course there is 8 billion human beings today. women giving birth. women have the same right to give birth as people had to throw garbage into their neighbor's lawn or yard. he is very antihuman person. obviously doesn't apply to himself and the people around him. it's a pretty twisted point of view and it misses the fact that actually those of you was that actually care about nature have done a really good job taking care of it. the truth is that we are not in a mass extinction. 6% of piece species are critic