paul fontecchio there will be what's called gang plowing. it will be a series of trucks, 2, 3, 4 trucks wide, to hit all those lanes at the green bay public works garage, city workers are preparing for winter storm aaron. they say every snow event is unique, and for game day, they're going to try something a little bit different. reporter city streets surrounding lambeau field are treated with salt brine, ahead of sunday's game day traffic and parking. chris pirlot/green bay public works department if it starts snowing heavy after the cars are already there, we can't get down the street. so we want to do take care of the snow. because there's going to be a lot of people walking and a lot of cars parking. reporter meanwhile, brown county officials say if it does snow during the game, drivers need to watch for the new tow plow operation. paul fontecchio when you come up on this with your car, you're going faster than these tow plows. you're going to see a wall of steel on 41. just don't pass it. just be patient. take your time. if you're stayi