paul fronstin is in fact our next speaker. he is a researcher at the employee benefit research institute. he is here to remind us that most working age americans get coverage through their jobs. the aca effects that coverage too. >> you have already seen two basic presentations and mine will be -- i will talk about the basics of employment base health benefits and how it is affected by aca. i was at someone else's presentation on wednesday and i sat through their presentation which was two hours long. there's just so much to cover on this which we do not have the time to do it justice, any of us. there are some extra slides in the packet for you to see during your own time. one of the things to keep in mind is the environment before the aca passed and that is the percentage -- as jennifer showed on her first slide, and employment-based coverage is growing on. before it passed, that was falling. by 2010, it was down to 69%. when you look at where workers get their coverage from, we're at the point now where only 50% of workers