i'm paul gigot, hope to see you i'm paul gigot, hope to see you here next week. ing services, inc. >> a bunch of-- what the media is trying to feed you. >> sarah palin takes on the media attacks on her and the tea party. >> we have people on frankly your cable channel saying hateful things about conservative politicians and i say more speech not less. >> laura ingraham blasts nbc. >> where is the balance? >> the pope celebrates holy week as the new york times and others try to nail the pontiff to sex scandals of the past and the vatican fires back. and tigers forges ahead to the masters, will the press tag along and a tormented teen takes her life and the media tells her sad story, but is the coverage helping to right the wrong or inflame the blame game. >> on the panel this week writer and fox news contributor judy miller, syndicated columnist cal thomas, jim pinkerton yellow new american foundation and national public radio news analyst juan williams, i'm gretchen carlson, fox news watch is on right now >> when we talk about fighting for our country, let's clear the air right now on