you start out by telling the story about the late rep paul gilmore. explain. >> this is a fascinating area. the story i like writing about most is things that are legal but clearly should not be. this is entirely illegal. members of congress who have leadership pacs, a special political kitty that members of congress have, and how those lawmakers spend the money out of that fund. in these leadership pacs, a lawmaker can spend money however they want. you literally are allowed to pay your mortgage out of your leadership pac. what we found out is after members of congress retire, if they still have money in the leadership pacs, they carry them on as sort of a personal bank account as they move forward. we had a guy named paul deal more, republican from ohio, who died in september of that year. when he died, there was about $30,000 left in his leadership pac. as mr. gilmore was not around, received showed that the pac kept spending money. no one ever explain exactly who was spending that money. none of the expenses were huge, but it was expenses you typi