hundred thousand tons of radioactive material into the ocean how could that possibly be seen as paul gunter just a moment and exxon mobil lied to the public for decades about the threat of climate change should we give it the corporate death penalty state mccall and allen are goldfield into nice big picture. is the american nuclear industry on its last legs all across the country right now reactor projects are failing and existing power plants are sinking deeper and deeper into the red all of a sudden the so-called energy of the future is starting to look at awful lot like a relic what's going on with us joining me now is paul gunter director of the reactor oversight project of nuclear paul welcome back and thank you tom it's great having you with us so the big news in the nuclear world right now to utility companies out of south carolina south carolina electric and gas and santee cooper recently stopped construction on a couple of advanced reactors maybe they're not of your thoughts on that these are supposed to be the future of the nuclear industry what's happened well in fact the news to