paul hawken and others have highlighted the many ways in which the biosphere is under assault at the trend lines are nearly all downhill and and and if we do nothing, it is certain every person from every nation, every corporation on earth depends on majors uninterrupted services for its survival. if nature does not make it through the transition from the first industrial revolution to the next, none of us will. that's the bad news. and we have some good news to consider. the trends and awareness and the development of the concept of sustainability and corporate social responsibility are rising. small-scale local business and giant multi-corporations are discovered at applying a filter through everything they do can add to their top and bottom lines because the marketplace is rewarding good behavior. when it comes down to is this, you and i happen to be alive at a critical junction of those two opposite trends. we have the power to destroy this living earth, and that construction is ongoing, even accelerating. but more of us are realizing that change is necessary and within our grasp