paul kazarian and mark gilbert are still with us. think the next crisis will kickoff. we will be back in talking about greece in the next recession from the eurozone. paul: we have a minor conflict. we are bondholders. that's my disclosure. issue with the current financial minister is that they are all focusing on -- in public -- on debt numbers that don't make sense. no one uses future face value, it's ridiculous. greece's debt is not 300 plus, it's really only 68. saying they didn't get debt relief in 2016, they did. they got so much debt relief, it canceled out the 21.4.. we should also ask them to give you a copy of paper he distributed in brussels, which i'm happy to do to the eurogroup. he said that number is meaningless, he used it as a misunderstanding and they should use a much lower number and the that was sustainable. that's what he distributed in private. i have a copy, and happy to share. it's up on one of the websites. this issue of when a crisis -- we're not trying to sell books or get speaking engagements. not saying