paul kirby of "telecommunications reports," senior editor, is also here. next question. >> host: another big debate is how to treat public safety. the plan is going to recommend that the fcc reauction 10 megahertz of other spectrum and leave public safety with the 10 it already has nationwide. the public safety community, a lot of them, say we need 20 megahertz, we need twice as much spectrum as we're going to get for broadband purposes. we talk about spectral efficiency and how spectrum's being used, public safety people historically will say we may not always be using the spectrum we have, but when we need it, it's got to be there are for us. how do you view the public safety spectrum? can those same techniques apply? or is there another way of looking at it, kind of like radars, for instance, for the government? >> guest: well, first, i ought to mention that the public safety section of our industry has always adopted the newest technologies. and there's no question in any of our minds that they ought to have the highest priority. the solution to that p