regard to john paul ii, there are many who question given his reign during the time of discovery during priest sexual abuse, many wonder why he is being made a saint today. >> well, lester, john paul ii was a great reformer of the priestho priesthood. in 1978 the catholic priesthood was in difficult shape. it was a tough 20 years, many priests left the act of ministry. some areas were in a state of disarray. and we now know that a small minority of priests had, in a horrible way, betrayed the trust reposed in them. john paul ii set about the reform of the priesthood from the beginning of his uppontifi e pontificate, and when he became fully informed of the abuse crisis in the united states in the spring of 2002, he took decisive action to make sure, as he said to the american cardinals, there is no place in the ministry of the church for those who would harm the young. so i think the judgment of the church in this canonization is to see him as a reformer of the priesthood. a man who bent every effort to make sure that these horrible sins and crimes were not committed in the future. >> father, historically, it has been many, many, many years between a person's death and