luke field, honolulu, hawaii ending her westbound world flight. the electro was heavily damaged and returned to lockheed aircraft corporation in burbank, for extensive repairs. did she lose control, mishandle the aircraft? paul thinks she was jockeying the throttles. other people say no, there was debris or things on the runway. it didn't really matter. she was determined to keep going. she and putnam wanted to do the flight, they needed the money. but she did not -- did think maybe this would be one of the last big flights. that she didn't need to be doing this anymore because she was nearly 40 years old at this point. friends and perdue helped pay for these repairs. as she repair -- prepared for her second attempt, personnel changes and crucial decisions arose. her intended radio operator, manning, had to go back. . to his regular job. he couldn't go. faced with handling the radios herself and a new receiver, she received training, but really not enough. she was always so busy that she never really took enough of the training. she was still making appearances and tending to all the things that have to happen when you are starting a flight like this. and then, her flight manager, he departed as well. he nev