as paul mara was telling us, it was unusual. he didn't have a high-ranking officer come out. you had very little information except for the name. names are usually not given out for a wild while. police have a lot of background to do and they don't want something out there that shouldn't be out there right away. to give the name is unusual and then to not get other information that was put out in the bulletin is also unusual. >> we were very surprised. the lewiston police department posted on facebook literally 45 minutes ago the name of this person as a person of interest. it was very quick and very unusual. understand that lewiston, although it's not a rural town, it's small town america. i guarantee you this person is well known. buy putting his name out, the police assume that local people will report where they saw him and where he is heading and what he maybe doing. who he knows and who he hangs out with. he's a well-known person in lewiston. he's a person that is well known and will see you in the diner or the post office. people know him. i think their logic is let's