morrissey. he said, i'm not sure it's good for the pope to be involving himself in microeconomics. i think some of this is going outside the normal paradigm. but john paulitics and conservatives loved that. why do you believe, if you have an opinion here, conservatives are having such a hard time and such a black lash now? >> i think because this pope has been so very outspoken about the economy and how the environmental issues are impacting the poor and the economic structure of the world. he's taken it further than john paul ii took it. when he talks about equal distribution of wealth, conservatives get nervous because it sounds to them like marxism on communism. from pope francis' perspective, he's preaching the gospel. the contribution as s jesus talked about it. he seems to take the ball a little further. >> you expect he will confront leaders here when he comes in the fall on some of these issues? i mean, they will be part of his public comments. but will there be direct confrontation is the best way to put it? >> well, confrontation in the sense that they will be sitting there, listening to what he is saying. and if you remember, all of the pictu