it's the title of a new novel by father paul morrissey. rosemary connors interviewed father morrissey about the books. she joans us from the nbc10 digital operation center. >> father morrissey may be very well the least likely person to speak out on the sex abuse scandal in the church. his book describes the struggle between honesty and loyalty. he tells me he doesn't want to open old wounds. he wants to heal them. for 50 years, father paul morrissey has been preaching the message of the catholic church. his parish is st. augusta in old city philadelphia where the faithful listen closely to his words of wisdom. now he hopes to reach more people with the novel he's written called "the black wall of silence." >> the cover shows a priest with his collar muffling him because we're caught -- if we want to raise questions, you're looked upon as disloyal. >> the fixesal book portrays a bishop who covered up sex abuse. father paul tells me he drew upon his personal experiences as a chaplain in the prison system. he has counselled prisoners who wer