their global head of sustainability gavin ethan we've been talking about this very subject and paul polman the global c.e.o. of unilever has been very outspoken saying that he's not interested in the short term shareholder particularly he's interested in the long term interests of society and if his consumers or i would encourage him to think of them as citizens rather than consumers you know you've just announced a new strategy for the next ten years where they want to move out of producing stuff in inverted commas to improving the well being of every life they touch that's a that's a pretty ambitious new way of looking at things some people will be cynical but i can tell you there's some really interesting thinking and targets going on behind the scenes and it's not just you know a lever there are a lot of company i work mainly with companies on these issues and there are a lot of very progressive sophisticated things going on in a lot of multinationals to rethink this space and to and to rethink how we can encourage a shift. consumerism values to citizen centric values which are the one