paul revere passed the word that british regulars were coming and minutemen, both black and white, wereprince esterbrook was among those patriots who were wounded. he was a slave. quote: "at lexington they did appear arrayed in hostile form, and tho our friends were peaceful there, yet on them fell the storm. thrice happy they who thus resign into the peaceful grave much better there, in death confin'd than a surviving slave." (poet/soldier/preacher lemuel haynes) narrator: two months later, the british once again took the offensive. free men of color were among the patriots gathered at bunker hill to stop them. england would eventually win the day, but not before the militiamen, despite being badly outnumbered, inflicted devastating losses. eyewitness accounts of that day are contradictory, but in 1818, historian & author samuel swett would write... quote: "among those who mounted the works was the gallant major pitcairn, who exultingly cried out, "the day is ours," when a black soldier named salem shot him through and he fell. (writer samuel swett) narrator: george washington took com