i believe, as paul robeson said, each generation makes their own history. i think this generation will now make their own history. they will have to respond to the climate crisis or the financial crisis, poverty in the world, inequity in the world. they will have to deal with that. they will have to listen outside of the framework, the dictateds that have and structured their lives. understand, we can be here forcing the issue, talking about that. if we are going to talk about democracy, what is democracy? who is democracy doesn't belong to. that is the fundamental question here. once we begin to struggle against that, we have a chance. the powers that be are going to find every way to undermine it, to stop our voices, cut off our resources. the questions that we have to believe that we can do this. >> before we end, i want to talk about one of the great crises of today, haiti. a country close to your heart. you have been making a movie about haiti for a long time. you visited president aristide in south africa, who was forced out. we had seen the from this