balance reporting effectively well, let's discuss this with the editor of bbc one news bulletins, paul royle, there's been a lot of vox pops in the past few weeks. too many? i don't necessarily think too many. i mean, there's been a lot of politics around and there's been a lot of, there's been a lot of probably need to find out what the electorate and the public and our audiences think about what's what's been going on. and if you imagine us taking the public out of our coverage, you would have you would have programmes and content simply full of politicians with some experts as well. but we do need to find out and try and get an insight into what people are thinking about what has been a pretty unprecedented situation in the uk. so we had specific complaints on last week's newswatch that vox pops of tory voters seem to be dominated by boris johnson's supporters, which was unrepresentative and that the coverage could even be accused of fuelling his campaign for a comeback. can you see why? i can see the argument. but that was to do with the place we went to. and so the key here is always be