paul shapiro is vice president for farm bureau protection. >> this is a very clear effort for the meat industry to prevent whistle blowers from gaining employment at factory farms and slaughter plants, because they don't want them taking photos of routine animal cruelty, food safety problems and more. >> the cow, he's alive. >> yes! >> last year in utah, amy myers shot this videotape on the side of the road on public property of a cow being moved with a tractor outside a slaughterhouse. >> what's going on today? >> oh, not a whole lot. >> the police weren't interested in the slaughterhouse workers. instead, meyer was arrested and charged with a misdemeanor, agricultural operation interference, becoming the first person charged under one of those so-called ag gag laws. >> am i free to leave or being detained? >> you are being tee detained right now. >> ok. >> the case against her was dropped and the law challenged in court. >> that's what these ag gag laws are all about. >> like peta, the humane society used undercover video like this operation in new jersey. as a result of this footage