or -- i remember he wrote one not too long ago about paul tsongas. now it was about the womanizing question, the bad conduct -- no, the womanizing question something else and paul tsongas, and it was called wine, women and tsong -- t-s-o-n-g. and i almost called him and said, "all right. you win this year." c-span: what about your column, though, that goes out beyond the new york times? do you also write those headlines? >> guest: no, they do that themselves. but the times' ones -- what you see on the times op-ed page, we've done our headlines ourselves. c-span: how long has that been a tradition? >> guest: as long as i know of. i mean, i got to tell you, i was never so blindsided in my life as when i filed my first column, and after i had filed it, the copy editor called me and said, "well, what's your headline?" i said, "wait a minute. i don't write headlines. editors write headlines." but once i got used to it, i got to really like it. c-span: and what about the people that write op-ed pieces? do they get to write their headlines, too? >> guest: n