you ve had paul volker manyimes for whom have enormous respect. he thinks the chans are 75% --. >> rose: that in fact ey will stop lendg money. that there will be a llar crisis in five years. 75% chce. and at does that mean? >> rose: the dollar falls suddenlyinterest rates go way up inflation, recessi, housingproblems all over again and so for. and that's the vulnerability. and this country has just t to learn to save mor which means the government not dissaving, and more rsonal savings. we just can't continue. >> rose: b in the mean tim we need a stimulus toet theconomy moving. >>hat's right. but think we nee to send a signal to the foreign lenders at we also are aware we ve a longer-term problem thatwe've got to move on. >> rose: okay,et me just talk about tt for a moment. because of your ow experien. for a number oyears you were on the boarof the sony corporatio, the japanese. ina hashe most arican debt. japan, i think, is second. >>econd. >> rose: wt do they tell you, becse there was a time, the last moh in which one of the chine officials sai