we've got to address it and take paul volker's playbook and put into work. was painful but it worked. inflation as i said earlier, thank you for remembering that is the most regressive taxable. neil: a lot of people when they watch the interview they say please tell us the fed still has to do something they could do up paul volker did in the late 70s and 80s when he was fighting inflation and would raise rates one full percentage point at a time so this consensus that seems to be building on wall street that maybe the fed is done, the read from ken langone is not done it's still a problem and it's only gain in town to address this and say administration of politicians. tiana lowe doescher joins us from the washington examiner. if he's writing is a good track record, we have summer problems. >> is absolutely right, the difference between paul volker and jerome powell, volker had a president ronald reagan who is willing to work with him in a more restrictive fiscal policy. joe biden is actively countering what powell is trying to do we see with the spending. l