c-span: paul wellstone also gives you a nod in the back of the book. 'molly ivins insists on integrity and honestly in politics.' does that compromise you that he now has said nice things about you in front of everyone? >> guest: ah, that--that does. i've--i've often wondered--in fact, i'm--i'm glad my publisher called him and asked him for the blurb and that i didn't. i think it's bad policy for a journalist to owe a politician. i really do. c-span: jim hightower's on here, too. >> guest: yeah, but he's not a populist. c-span: 'thank you, jesus,' he says, 'here comes molly with another power-packed volume to cure what ails us.' you friends? >> guest: yeah. oh, yeah. favorite... c-span: same kind of politics? >> guest: ...fella--oh, yeah. jim is one of the great texas populists. you know, the populism started in texas. i mean, that's where the movement first came out of that thin, stoney soil in the central hill country of texas. and for years we had wonderful populist representatives: wright pattman in congress and sam rayburn, ralph yarborough in the