and paul wolfowitz i think was saying $60 billion. all of a sudden, lindsey was gone. was he fired? >> larry -- first of all, the assertion that larry was fired because of his prediction about the -- about how much the war would cost is just flat wrong. i've seen that in print all over the place. just flat wrong. it doesn't mean it won't cost. it said if history is a guide, this is what a war of this nature has tended to cost. he was given basically an academic historic answer. turned out the be somewhat controversial. but no, that wasn't it. larry had the -- had the misfortune of trying to be the -- be the coordinator of an economic team in the first couple of years of the bush administration that resisted coordination. so at the end of the first two years in office, president bush decided new team. >> as we're on iraq, the general also said we're going need a lot more troops over there. and then all of a sudden, he was gone. was he fired? >> i wasn't privy to the details but he feels on the way out anyway is my recollection. he didn't endear himself to the civilian leadership in t