the some policy makers like paul wolfowitz and donald rumsfeld, the secretary of defense, suggested to president bush that he turned his attention to iraq. but i show in my book that initially president bush rejected those reject those notions. it was just days after 911 where this happened. and i believe president bush did tell them, listen, if you're going to talk to me about an iraq al qaida nexus relationship, whatever, you've got to find some evidence for it. wolfowitz then directed feith douglas feith to set up an office which was called the office of special plans inside the pentagon, not the kindest sounding name, kind of an nefarious sounding name. office of special plans to look for this evidence. and so there were people early on trying to find something on saddam. and i think that's why some people today, even at the time, thought the war was decided pretty early here. no. yes. i mean, there are many people who focus on the creation of the office of special plans, and that did happen inside the office of the secretary of defense. but the most important thing for you and for