communication with lead advocate paul yoder and provide input from other city department, city staff. while we do have single [speaker not understood] designated to be our key point of contact, we have multiple advocates from the firm working on myriad of issues. they cover every issue for us whether it be health care reform implementation, economic initiatives or environmental issues. our lobbyists will send us any news or information that they might have heard throughout their day in sacramento. and then i quickly field that information out to relevant departments. and then, of course, the situation happens where departments will receive news and information from their colleagues in sacramento and we ask departments to keep me, to keep the mayor's office in the loop so that we can direct our lobbyists most effectively. it's just information sharing. it's really key to ensuring we're all in the same message and advocating most effectively. that covers our state issues, but i also work on federal legislative issues. unfortunately there is not a federal legislation committee. maybe did