in topeka, paula ackerman has a lot at stake. she is concerned brownback's big cuts would mean big cuts to education. she's been volunteering for paul davis. >> that's why i and the other teachers have been so hardworking and diligent about trying to get our word out. we just have to do something. it's time to take a stand. >> hi, thomas, this is susan schmidts. you have? thank you very much so much, appreciate it. >> like her friend paula teemp stephani teacher paula took the day off work to get out the vote. >> what surprises everyone is that i make sure i remind them i'm a full time teacher. so i guess what i tell my friends who tell me they don't have enough time, i'm making time because this is important. there's been so much damage done to our state, to our state's economy to our public schools. it's the budget figures that i'm seeing, are accurate we could have to cut perhaps $400 million from our state education budget. it's going to mean closing schools, it's going to mean cutting programs. around i really don't even --