let's keep it on the up and up, thank you. >> paula bradshaw? >> cap and trade is a horrible way to deal with our climate problems. we did not turn over the state of our ecosystem to wall street. we know that the gamble and do not care about anything but making money. we know that the rest of the world has done a cap and trade system and all that it led to was a higher carbon emissions. clearly, it does not work. >> mr. foreman? >> if you are going to oppose that, you have to stand up to regulatory overreach. we have an epa that wants to regulate the amount of dust kicked up by a,. i have opposed cap and trade and opposed people to support cap and trade. as was said at the rally last saturday, if you support the current administration, you do not support kohl in southern illinois. -- coal in southern illinois. >> time for the closing statement question. paula bradshaw will go first. >> i am sure the you of all play the game of monopoly. we know that at some point in the game one person controls all the property and of the money as others land on