yes, my name is paula jones and i'm with population health. along with my colleagues we will provide an update on covid-19 and at the end, and we will provide an update on this. next slide, please. and we'll go through first how food insecurity negatively impacts health and how food is also a way to achieve all of our priorities and then the steps on how covid-19 has an impact on food insecurity. and then an update on some of the department of public health's food security initiatives. next slide. and food insecurity means that you must have adequate food and other resources and it affects health in many ways. and it reduces risk of chronic diseases and likely to have larger babies. and an impact on child development. and mental health outcomes. all of this increases the health care costs and increasing human suffers. first of all, (indiscernible) it's not just one person. and food insecurity is not having money and, three, one food program is not enough to solve food insecurity. prior to covid-19, one in four san franciscans were at risk for