aidid no longer the big screen networks carving the pauline 2/3. what kinds of pressures does that exert on broadcasting? >> well, i think those of us in the mainstream media see our world as being the place where people can come where perhaps they have one point of view or another point of view but we are the place we hope where people can agree on the facts. and accurate summation of what the news actually is and from that, all of the analysis, all the commentary grows. i thought one of the students had on a very good point. there are so many of points of you out there on radio, on television, on the internet that the question then every time i have addressed an audience somebody brings up the question, is the media bias? it has almost become an irrelevant question because there are so many points of view out there. we are almost that as it was during the time of lincoln when there was no such thing as subjectivity, when you have liberal papers, republican papers, everybody had a point of view. nobody expected an objective view. the whole idea of