that includes conspiracy theorist pauljoseph watson, holocaust denierjohn hamer and anti—semitic bloggeron. it shared details of rallies from far—right group, patriotic alternative and content from its leader, mark collette. the group alpha men assemble, which offers military style training to anti—vaxxers, has also had its messages shared by the light on telegram. former mayor ben piper says he became a key target for the conspiracy theory movement in totnes because of his role enforcing coronavirus restrictions. he fears a campaign of harassment mounted against him has been exacerbated by publications like the light paper, which featured him. i canjoke about it, but it was pretty upsetting, actually, to be accused of being a... ..a tyrant and a totalitarian and a fascist. there was an aggression that bled through the editorial that was not as innocent as it was making out to be. i've had people drive their car at me, i've been shouted at in the street, i've had people confront me in the supermarket, and shoving their phones in my face, you know, and trying to provoke me, you know? and,