you already mentioned that they awhroong with secretary paulson letlyman fail which i think was a veryig mistakes. they also get a very bad grade in watching banking practices during the crazy years of lending, 2003, '04, '05, '06. they should never have let these banks do what they did. >> charlie: and the regulators too. >> i always say. thank you for reminding me. it wasn't the... it was all the bank reltors. ... it was all the bank regulators. once you passlyman brothers, ben bernanke and the federal reserve have been creative, gutsy, effective and have really been our main line of defense -- that and the stimulus -- against what could have been a vastly worse economic... >> charlie: i want to run through ten financial commandments. we'll put them on the screen and talk about them. thou shalt remember that people forget. >> one of the roots is of financial bubbles is that people forget when the good times roll they won't roll forever. this happened abundantly. >> charlie: thou shalt not rely on self-regulation. >> there was the attitude during the boom years that the markets were s