through fakes, through everything, in particular, through interpretations. already did it if your pavel dura was not the same person who came up with it and it was pavel in general, but his brother, as i understand it, pavel’s brother, but it was his business, and precisely vkontakte, well, i think that it was such a thing that maybe... they didn't quite succeed, because, well, they dabbled a little in piracy there, this, you know, is quite telepiracy, and that's why it's so easy passed, because the event also closed it down for telepiracy, first of all, and music piracy, but with telegram, they did not make these mistakes, they made a bigger bet precisely on the fact that it is not only some where you can publish something, but this is a messenger that is closed, that is closed from well, that's enough, well... more precisely, for, let's say, for criminal elements, it's a convenient way, first of all, to send messages and communicate, but why, why not some other messenger, why not viber, why not whatsapp, why exactly telegram, precisely, precisely because it allows you to do anything , that