pavel durov created telegram after creating the day, effectively aside for russia.onto great telegram which is to some extent reminds me the health of what's out, really, and yet at the same stupid you've got over 60 million users. what are you sending, about 5 billion messages a day? >> last month 10 billion messages delivered daily. right now i checked earlier today it's over 12, 12 billion messages delivered daily. >> mac. that's breaking news to others today. 12 million messages a day. i think a lot of people would like to ask you what is the point of telegram in a world where there is so many other messaging platforms? >> it's a good question, but to put it simply, it doesn't matter how many other messaging apps are out there to all of them suck, right? spent which ones suck for you? >> for me after most of my team, what's at suck most speak with you say that sox? >> absolutely. i can't elaborate on that. >> please do. >> look. we are living in 2015. we are supposed to have flying cars and everything right now spent jet packs spent absolutely. but if you have w