pavel kuznetsov is at the scene. between the village of novikovo and the village of krasny there was once a strong sixty-ton connection run here for a long time, but the locals across the ferry used to visit each other at work or to the forest cellars to pick berries, it’s shorter and faster. now between there is a deep ravine behind them. the bridge suddenly disappeared. and it’s not to say that this is some kind of small and inconspicuous bridge. according to the documents, its length was 52.5 m. three spans were supported on massive foundations, and the crossing was dismantled, apparently in a hurry and not very carefully; huge chips and scratches can be seen on the support, pieces of concrete are scattered around, the structure fell from with a roar, they built, as they say, a navik, and dismantled it in just a few days. the surprised villagers began their own investigation, hoping to find a thief in hot pursuit, you can’t carry 60 tons far, we found part of a bridge 100 km away in ryazan at a scrap metal collection point, we had to go through... we had to go along this, well, along these sides, here, yeah, below,