payam noor kuhpayeh of langir village has no facilities in terms of sports, they start tabriz from thelage school and i helped the painter of my building and the teacher helped me in tiling and made stairs for them and painted the wall and paved the stone. the school that existed in this village and the discussion of welding and rebuilding my own doors inside the school , as well as the sanitary facilities that it had and were revived there , as well as the world house that was for the clergy , the children also enjoyed it, they brought joy , and it was very exciting. we became friends, we used to play soccer, and now i was saying that they had educational and artistic activities around the constructions, and he evaluated this series of popular materials in the field of cultural facilities , sports facilities, and the issue is that i migrated to bigger cities are messing up themselves by means of the district corps of kohpayeh city, it has formed 36 jihadist groups at the neighborhood level and two jihadist groups at the student mobilization level, which will be served in 27 villages a