no institution can be built strong enough to resist an office with that kind of power payette. .. these were good ideas. these were things that could have worked with the right configuration. and a length of time thought and work has gone in to it. it's about getting back on track with the very well -- years of investment in building a new state. the flip side is say no. it's two part sudan, one part uganda, one part sbla and sblm and written in english. american english. you try to come -- comb through what is the system in sudan and try to get through it. need to rethink the idea. is it ethnic federalism that ethiopia has. separate but equal integration -- how do you deal with that? especially my when there's fear and the confederation on idea. going back to the three regions and maybe looking federal arrangement as a way to deal with new model for state building. i think briefly the u issue of security and justice in paragraph. the goal of this these two mechanism has to be, i think, as others have pointed out. it has to be about demilitarizing the political system. demilitariz